The Hawthorn Gallery
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Alex Echo
I was born in USA, in Colorado, on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. I now live full time in the UK, on a farm in West Sussex with my daughter - The Amazing Jazzi-Bella. She is the reason I breathe and paint, and she has me completely wrapped around her finger. I have been a professional artist for over 35 years - and I paint simply because I love to. In that time I’ve had some great success and some monumental failures. I’ve painted some masterpieces and some real losers. There is a constant sense of learning more about my art and art history in general. I feel it to be a great gift in my life to be a part of and to carry on in the craft and tradition of the artists who have inspired me and have come before. The genesis of all my work is nature - nature with a deep respect for art history and a profound desire to create something new and original. With every painting I am standing on the shoulders of the artists before me, the artists I’ve studied and admired. Artists from all genres - from Pre-Raphaelite, and Impressionism, to Minimalism and Abstract Expressionism, to Art Nouveau and Pop Art have all inspired me and informed my work. I believe my work to be original and unique. The technique and style that I’ve created I have never seen before. These paintings resonate with the beauty and history of Impressionism, yet they speak with a contemporary voice and structure of abstraction and even minimalism. I try to synthesise the many schools of painting that I’ve grown to admire over the years. These paintings seek to find the balance between past and present - history and contemporary. There is a ballet between light, water, colour and time that I try to capture in each new painting. Each painting has several thousand strokes and movements. Every painting is an attempt to see and feel that dance of colour, and light reflected in a flower, a tree, a hillside or the sea. I am deeply in love with England. I am in love with this sea faring island nation
Cathedral of Sea and Sky II
Cathedral of Sea and Sky I
Reflections & Ripples Study No.4
Reflections & Ripples Study No.1
Elemental Source Study No.4
Elemental Source Study No.2
Autumn Abstracted
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Spring Abstracted
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