The Hawthorn Gallery
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Alex Ross
Alex Ross is widely considered to be one of the most pre-eminent and well-respected comic book artists in the history of the field. Even as a three year old boy, he was regularly illustrating, replicating life as he saw it. Encouraged by his artist mother and admiring his ministerial father’s moral framework, Ross pursued his passion for drawing and quickly fell in love with the notion of superheroes. Colourful dynamic characters performing fantastic and heroic deeds for the greater good ignited a passion within him, and into his teens and early-adulthood he began to take his draftmanship more seriously; researching and admiring the work of comic book illustrators George Perez and Berni Wrightson before his education took him to the American Academy of Art, where he discovered and was influenced by the work of Salvador Dali, Norman Rockwell, Andrew Loomis and J. C. Leyendecker. It was these formative years and exposure to range of comic book illustrators, styles and contemporary artists that have nurtured, developed and shaped Ross’ natural talent such that he is now one of the most respected and admired comic book artists in the world, with more than 1,000 pages and covers for DC Comics and Marvel to his name..
Grim Gargoyles
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Look! Up in the Sky!
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DC Comic Portfolio of Four
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Descent on Gotham
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Superman Forever
Superman: Man of Tomorrow
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Batman: Dark Knight Detective
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Look! Up in the Sky!
DC Suite of Two
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Grim Gargoyles
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