The Hawthorn Gallery
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Kate Collins
I live in Poynton Cheshire, near to the Peak District. My direct surroundings are hills and fields, but I am not far from the industrial scene of the north. There are still the old mills and viaducts dotted around the area, and I decided to portray these towns and factories on ceramics, because the unusual subject matter lends itself well to 3D art. Because I have always painted, and am completely self-taught, I have managed to gradually build-up my own style. I began painting in watercolours, then oils, the painting on ceramics came later, but it has taken me at least 15 years of practice and experimentation to reach the point I'm at now. The scenes which I paint on white ceramic vases and bowls are a combination of lustre , paint, and enamels. Gold is used in fine pen-work to finish the pieces, which are then fired up to five times in a small kiln. With the level of involvement required with each piece, an object can take several days to complete.
Best Friends
Born Free
Rabbit Jug
The Unidentical Twins
Ring a Ring o' Roses